Number one international, online modelling agency & talent agency, discovering men, women & children and building model careers since 1990 Powered by Talent Management Modelling Agency

Baby Modelling Liverpool

Amelia baby modelling for Channel 4

Start baby modelling

Liverpool is a European City of Culture, World Capital of Pop and a World Heritage site.

Our Liverpool modelling agency section represents baby models alongside, female, male, child and pet models for model jobs.

Since 1990 we’ve booked baby models for baby modelling work in films, TV, fashion, photographic and advertising modelling work.

Companies searching for a Liverpool baby modelling agency who’ve paid for baby models that our modelling agency represents include:

  • BBC
  • Channel 4
  • Pampers
  • Eastenders
  • Babies 'R' Us
  • Early Learning Centre
  • Mamas and Papas
  • Mothercare
  • Next

Our full time team here help parents discover the world of baby modelling and find out about how their baby could be considered by modelling agencies for the work they have.

We promote our baby models by creating an online, safe and secure account and we respond to baby modelling opportunities by putting forward our baby models when their look is asked for.

Want your baby to be assessed for baby modelling work and modelling agency opportunities?

Start baby modelling