Katy Perry dropped a bit of a clanger in her recent interview with Elle Magazine, when she revealed that her close pop-star buddy Rihanna smokes pot.
“Rihanna Smokes Pot” Katy Perry Drops Ri-Ri In It, Oops!

Katy Perry dropped a bit of a clanger in a recent interview with Elle Magazine, when she revealed that her close pop-star buddy Rihanna smokes pot. Oops!
Not only did the outspoken ‘Roar’ singer mention Ri-Ri’s love of the green stuff, she also implied that it wasn’t an occasional habit, when she blurted out:
“I think that Rihanna always looks so fresh, and I’m like, ‘How do you do that? We all know how much pot you smoke! And you don’t sleep because you’re on Instagram at four o’clock in the morning!'”
Hmm. Writers at Models Direct can’t decide if this was a genuine slip-up from Perry, while attempting to give her friend a compliment, or whether there was a dig in there somewhere. Surely she is used to having to consider what she says in interviews quite carefully? She should know not to share personal details like this unless she expects them to hit the press in a big way shortly after.
Katy and Rihanna’s relationship has had its ups and downs. The pair are said to have fallen out earlier in the year following a disagreement over Rihanna’s decision to take back love-rat Chris Brown. But Ri-Ri has since split with Brown and she and Katy have appeared to be back to their BFF status lately, with Katy gushing: “I love her and everytime I see her, I’m reminded of the light she has.”
Do you think that the singer and model will take her friend’s comments in good humour, or are we about to see the pair fall out again? After all, she doesn’t exactly play her cards close to her chest as a rule anyway! When we had a look at some of Rihanna’s own previous Twitter comments they included hints like “Kush rolled” and “4:20…Hi”, which according to some, could be seen as code relating to cannibis smoking.
Maybe she won’t be too angry with Katy. Maybe she’ll be too stoned to care?