Awareness of scam modelling agencies has risen in recent years, a situation that leading UK modelling agency Models Direct is very pleased to see…
Models Direct Scam Rumours Put To Rest

Awareness of scam modelling agencies has risen in recent years, a situation that leading UK modelling agency Models Direct is very pleased to see, despite the confusion that this process has occasionally caused for some legitimate agencies, including ourselves.
We’re proud of our transparent approach and provide information and advice that can help potential models to protect themselves from scam agencies while at the same time enabling those who are considering a modelling career, either for themselves or their children, to make informed decisions.
We have also addressed concerns raised by confused potential models by answering Frequently Asked Questions, as well as publishing Models Direct reviews by our models.
For more on how to spot and protect yourself from scam agencies please read the Q&A information below:
Why are potential models still so vulnerable to scams?
The modelling industry is still largely unregulated, which unfortunately leaves scam agencies able to take advantage of unsuspecting members of the public.
What are the facts about ‘showcase’ modelling agencies?
Showcase modelling agencies differ from modelling employment agencies in that by law they cannot find you work. Only modelling employment agencies can legally find you modelling work.
Though some are trustworthy and legitimate, many businesses, including showcase agencies, will promise to ‘represent’ you as a model knowing that they will be unable to actively attempt to find you work once you have signed with them.
What kinds of claims from scam agencies should I watch out for?
Some scam agencies will claim that you must attend an expensive ‘modelling course’ or pay for a professional photo shoot in order to get work. These claims are untrue.
Scam agencies may also guarantee you work but, as the industry is notoriously competitive and the final choice on who gets work is always down to the client as apposed to the agent, you must treat claims like this with extreme suspicion.
What makes Models Direct different from scam and showcase agencies?
Models Direct is a modelling employment agency which is regulated by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) in order to protect the consumer. The BIS regularly checks that our business meets their legal requirements. We have been trading for 20 years, with a full-time team working for clients and models and bringing them together. In this time we have helped thousands of models to find work in fashion, promotion, advertising, catalogues, TV and film.
Read what our models have to say about us at our Models Direct reviews page. We do not guarantee our models work but we do have a constant flow of clients looking for models and we put our models forward whenever their look is called for. Additionally, if you would like to come and meet the team face-to-face we will pay half of your travel costs (from within the UK) and welcome you at our HQ in East Anglia.
We hope that answers some of the questions you may have concerning scam modelling agencies, and puts Models Direct scam rumours to rest, but please feel free to contact us with any queries or visit our website for an abundance of helpful information.