More and more, Talent Management is noticing that those unique beauties who compete in modelling competitions seem to be building successful modelling careers, even if they’re not the winner.
Isis King Says The Industry Has ‘A Long Way To Go’ Towards Accepting Transgender Models

More and more, Talent Management is noticing that those unique beauties who compete in modelling competitions seem to be building successful modelling careers, even if they’re not the winner.
That seems to be the case for America’s Next Top Model contestant Isis King; the first openly transgender person to take part in Tyra Banks’ infamous model-search show.
King may have only finished in 10th place, but that hasn’t stopped her bagging a high-profile campaign with GLAAD/American Apparel’s new ‘Legalize Gay’ tee line.
Fashionista recently talked to King about how she got involved in the ground-breaking ads, which mark American Apparel’s first ever campaign to feature a transgender person. “I got involved through GLAAD,” she replied. “We have worked together on quite a few things now — including the ‘I AM: Trans People Speak’ video campaign, which aims to lift the voices of a diverse range or trans people– and they thought of me for this amazing opportunity. They told me what it was for and I knew this campaign would be a tremendous step forward for everyone, including fashion, American Apparel, and trans women with a dream!”
Continuing, the brunette explained when she first become interested in modelling:
“I first started modelling in high school, and as a Fashion Designer, I trained most of the models in my fashion show how to walk the way I wanted them to. I started taking it more seriously after I transitioned and thought, ‘why not?’”
But, as successful as King has been, we can’t help but wonder where she thinks transgender models stand in the fashion industry and whether they’re accepted as equals. “There is a long way to go,” she told the publication. “I believe it is mostly still ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ I still have my struggles, and in many ways more because I’m out with my story and highly recognisable. None the less, this campaign proves that we are moving in the right direction!”
Fashionista went on to ask the model whether she considers herself a spokesperson for the transgender community. “Yes! I have embraced being a spokesperson for the transgender community and being a positive rolemodel for others to look up to! I’m not perfect, but I am taking steps to creating reality from the dreams that I have. When I was young, there were no trans role models. None the less, I’m just another girl with a dream and would never want to be treated differently when going out for a job.”
Talent Management loves King’s attitude to being different and the fact that she embraces what is unique to her. Let’s just hope more modelling opportunities follow this great American Apparel campaign.