Not that we’re calling Heidi dumb or anything, but we’re pretty sure she’s dressed as the Egyptian goddess Isis here and not Cleopatra…the bird’s wings and the horns of a cow on her head kinda make it obvious, even to us!
Beauty But No Brains? Heidi Klum Brags About Cleopatra Costume When She’s Actually Dressed As Isis!

Known for her eccentric Halloween costumes, the Talent Management bloggers were eager to see who or what model Heidi Klum would dress up as this year for her infamous fancy dress party. But, when we saw her sneak peak on Twitter today, we were a little confused.
Next to the above photo, the German-born model tweeted: “One week until Halloween! Here’s a sneak peek at my crazy Cleopatra costume!”
Not that we’re calling Heidi dumb or anything, but we’re pretty sure she’s dressed as the Egyptian goddess Isis here and not Cleopatra…the bird’s wings and the horns of a cow on her head kinda make it obvious, even to us!
As Isis was worshipped as the ideal mother as well as the patron of nature and magic, we think Heidi fits the bill perfectly, so maybe this was a slip up from her PR team?
After all, with Heidi now considered more ‘mogul’ than model due to her successful business ventures and earnings of around £13 million, we think she definitely has brains as well as beauty, but maybe just lacks the time to write her own Tweets?!