Children’s Dieting Storybook Causes Concern

This month, we want to hear your thoughts on the yet-to-be-released children’s book ‘Maggie Goes on A Diet’ by Paul Kramer. Due for publication in the US in October this year, the controversial book, aimed at 6 to 12 year olds, tells the story of a 14-year-old girl called Maggie who “is transformed from being extremely overweight and insecure to a normal-sized girl who becomes the school football star”.

Ngozi Ugo Talks Modelling Jobs & How Her Career Began

Nigerian model Ngozi Ugo, who has been modelling professionally since 2006, recently spoke to LaizaLounge about how her career began and why she chose to model: “I have always been inclined to fashion from my tender years and sticking around my mother also influenced me a great deal,” she said. “Although a medical doctor, she always sewed her clothes and ours by herself. This trained my eyes to see the details in clothes and fabrics. I could always tell a badly sewn clothe from afar. Growing in such environment gave me the foundation for fashion, and that was how it all started.”