The team here at Talent Management modelling agency absolutely love Halloween – baking “skull” cookies, making “dragon blood” beverages, and chomping down on “eyeball” scones. But our favourite part has to be dressing up in the most spine-tingling, gruesome ghostly costumes!
To celebrate this festival of chills and thrills we are having a ‘Halloween Costume Competition’ on Facebook. What’s the best creepy costume you have ever worn for Halloween? We want to see your photos – they can be Halloween photos from the past or present – as long as they are spook-tastic!
We have a category for babies, pets, adults, teens and children. To enter simply send a photo to us in a PRIVATE FACEBOOK MESSAGE with name, age, location and costume name and we will upload them to the relevant ‘Halloween Costume Competition’ album. We can’t wait to see your eerie outfits!
The photo with the most likes will win a prize and the winner will be announced on Friday 8th November at 10am. You will have until 10am on Thursday 7th November to send your photos in. Remember to tag yourself and share your photo on your page so your friends and family can like the photos as well! (**Please note – when sharing your photo from the ‘Halloween Costume Competition album on your wall – your friends and family will need to click on the ACTUAL PHOTO and ‘Like’ it for us to be able to see and count.)