Many young models dream of walking the catwalks of London Fashion Week or gracing the cover of Vogue. However, this sort of success rarely occurs overnight and only a relatively few number of men and women will reach these sort of pinnacles. Many more, however, start out in promotional modelling with Talent Management, using it as a stepping stone to future opportunities, a convenient side-line or as a lucrative career in itself.
Promotional modelling jobs, such as working at trade shows and conventions, can offer countless opportunities for work, as well as providing a wealth of experience from which to progress a model’s career. Many men and women end up establishing themselves as a ‘must-have’ figure within the promotional world.
Plenty of Opportunities for Modelling Jobs
In general, promotional modelling is not as competitive as other areas of the industry, meaning that it can be an excellent way for aspiring models to start their professional journey.
Far from being demeaning, simple tasks such as handing out promotional material or acting as a greeter, can provide great opportunities for models to network and to develop contacts within the industry.
Successful promotional models can be offered chances to jet away on all-expenses trips. Once established, they can receive all of the perks and opportunities afforded to worthy members of a company’s promotional team.
Far from a Boring Job
The variety of work on offer can be interesting and exciting, with no working week ever likely to be the same. A model could one day be handing out sample products to Christmas shoppers on a cosmetic counter, only to find themselves jetting off the next day to attend a beach party in the sun or play video-games in a hot new club.
The financial benefits of promotional modelling are not to be ignored. Good models can, and do, increase business for companies and the best are recognised for this ability. These incentives may take the form of good appearance rates, excellent perks, or repeat assignments with all of the financial benefits that these can provide.
For models who want to work regularly, promotional work can be ideal. The sheer number of events for which models are needed, from corporate parties and shows to character jobs at theme parks, for example, mean that there are always opportunities available. This is especially true for models who are willing to work hard.
A good reputation can go a long way in promotional modelling, as can a positive attitude. Models who see this sort of assignment as somehow beneath them or simply as a ticket to something bigger and better will rarely succeed.
Ambition is always a good thing within the modelling industry, but it is just as important to focus on current assignments as it is to have big aspirations for the future.
Handing out t-shirts to teenagers or brochures to technology enthusiasts, may not initially seem like the route to career success but who knows who will be at these events? Business owners and their promotional teams will soon note the enthusiasm and professionalism of a model who will immediately spring to mind when future opportunities arise.
Successful models will always strive to complete each assignment to the best of their ability and this sort of commitment will be noticed—and can be one of the best ways to get ahead of the competition when it comes to future work.
Stepping Stone in a Successful Career
In itself, basic promotional work can help models to build up a wide range of skills and experience that will prove useful throughout their careers. It can also lead to further opportunities within the promotional sector, such as presenting products and demonstration work.
The latter can give a model experience of learning scripts or using an ear prompter, which are ideal skills for those who aspire to take on television or video roles in the future.
Promotional work, whether it makes up the whole of a model’s workload or serves as a stop-gap between other assignments, can also boost confidence and enhance communication skills. These are essential attributes for any successful model, whether they are appearing on a catwalk, on the cover of Marie Claire, or on the pages of their local newspaper.
For those people looking to pursue other activities in addition to modelling, promotional work also offers high levels of flexibility and convenience. Many trade shows, for example, are planned for weekends, leaving promotional models with the weekdays in which to pursue their other ambitions or simply attend auditions and castings.