If you’ve been watching I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! you might have seen model Amy Willerton get into a spot of bother over her contraband concealer. It says quite a lot about our culture that someone as naturally beautiful – and flawless – as Amy felt the need to wear makeup even in a jungle.
Do you think you could spend one day every week completely make-up free?
How many lotions and potions do you weigh your face down with on the average morning? Ten products? Five? It will vary wildly depending on your everyday look, but most of us have at least a few go to things that we can’t – or really don’t want to – leave the house without.
Going makeup free one day a week is great for your skin, and incredibly liberating.
If you’re looking into being a model you will find that your talent management modelling agency recommends you to turn up to some photo shoots au natural. While you’ll be fine to wear your own makeup sometimes, there will often be a makeup artist there to make sure you’re looking entirely camera ready. Always check the details for the job before turning up.
You probably don’t work seven days a week, so give your poor face a bit of a break. At university, my friends and I were huge advocates of do nothing Sundays. You’d make sure all the little outside tasks were done on Saturday and with a free calendar, you can just spend the whole day inside doing nothing at all. And inside there should be no fear of your own lovely makeup free façade.
There are three key reasons you should consider giving your face a day off.
Clearer Skin
One of the prime causes of break outs is blocked pores. We know that we should give our skin a little bit of TLC overnight so it can recover from the day, so men and women alike should get into the habit of washing away all the day’s toxins at night. Whether you’re working for a talent management modelling agency or not, your skin will always need a break.
When you’re wearing makeup your skin can’t breathe properly, so give it a bit of a rest and you should be able to see an improvement.

Prevent Premature Ageing
Your skin doesn’t like all the products you put on them, no matter how organic and good they claim to be. Wearing makeup can encourage higher levels of free radicals on the skin and in the long term can damage your collagen.
Less makeup, less pesky wrinkles!
More Time
How long do you take to put on your makeup? It all adds up even if it’s just five minutes a day. Five minutes on, ten minutes to wash everything off and moisturise in the evening. That’s 15 minutes a day or an hour and forty five minutes a week. Every week. That’s nearly 4 days of every year which you will spend just putting on and taking off the ol’ slap.
And five minutes is a pretty quick morning routine; most women take nearer to 20 minutes, which adds up to more than a week. And we haven’t even thought about how long it takes us to get ready for special occasions… Imagine what you could do with all that free time! We would much rather spend those extra minutes snuggled up under a duvet or relaxing in the bath, thank you very much.
Some jobs through a talent management modelling agency will already require you to travel long distances and look fresh and cheerful, so you’d be far better spending that time in bed, anyway!

Feel more comfortable in your own skin
A lot of young women are using less makeup every day than you might think, with a majority of 18 to 25 year olds using up to three products a day.
While fewer products add up to a quicker routine, anything that you’re putting on your face has the potential to block your pores and damage your skin.
Be brave dear ladies; you are stunning with or without your war paint. Have a go at keeping your face makeup free the day before any jobs you find through a talent management modelling agency. Your skin will thank you, and you’ll glow in your photos!