Can you guess which one is the REAL Will.i.am?! We certainly had difficulty…
Talent Management model Lewis from Tottington in Bury looks so much like Will.i.am we couldn’t believe our eyes. The bubbly 37-year old told us: “I am the only Will i Am look a like in the UK”.

With Will.i.am shooting to fame as part of the Black Eye Peas and more recently through his role on the BBC hit series The Voice our model Lewis is always being mistaken for the star. Lewis told us he gets stopped on the street all the time by Will.i.am fans and asked for his autograph.
Vital statistics:
Age 37 – Male
Height – 5’11 (180cm)
Hair – Brown
Eyes – Brown
If you think Talent Management agency could help you to become a model, actor, singer, musician or dancer why not apply to join us? There is a wealth of information on the Talent Management website which is designed to help you when choosing an agency, whatever your talent. If you’re a photographer with an assignment coming up simply contact Talent Management’s booking team on 0844 334 0000, or fill in a model request form at www.talentmanagement.com/talent-hire.
P.S Couldn’t work out which one was Talent Management model Lewis is the photo at the top of this article? He is the one on the left :)