We are delighted to welcome 9 month old Samuel to our Talent Management Baby Modelling books. We found out a bit more about our new baby model from Hampshire after speaking with his mum Katie…
How would you describe Sam’s look?
“Blonde hair, blue eyes, dimples in each cheek, cheeky 9month old”
Where did your interest in modelling come from?
“Sam loves the camera and is always such a happy baby who bring happiness to everyone else around him, he’s so calm and goes with the flow of everyday life no matter what’s on he calender!”
What made you choose Talent Management?
“Seems like they take care of their clients and want you to get work as much as we do ourselves!”
What are you hoping Sam will gain from signing up with a model agency?
“Fun for Samuel, and insight into modelling to see if its the future we want and also of he wants it too!”
Name the top 3 things about Sam that you think will make him a good model:
“Deals with anything life can throw at him with no fuss. He is very happy and so cheeky as well.”
Does he have any additional talents; singing, dancing, acting, etc?
“Loves water, swims underwater with no fuss even had an underwater photo shoot!”
What are you most looking forward to in becoming a model?
“Seeing Samuel do his first job”
If you think Talent Management agency could help you to become a model, actor, singer, musician or dancer why not apply to join us? There is a wealth of information on the Talent Management website which is designed to help you when choosing an agency, whatever your talent.
If you’re a photographer with an assignment coming up simply contact Talent Management’s booking team on 0844 334 0000, or fill in a model request form at www.talentmanagement.com/talent-hire.