Say hello to the latest Talent Management dog model – Sid, who is 1/4 whippet, 3/4 Italian greyhound.
Sid recently joined our books and has already represented us on an editorial shoot in London in July for new pet luxuries company The Clementine, which specialises in dog clothing and accessories. The company is due to launch in September and Sid was chosen to model in a photoshoot for their new website and other relevant media.
It sounded like Sid got on just fine at the shoot and was perhaps even a bit too relaxed about the whole thing! His owner Courtney told us,
“It helped if I was giving Sid commands so that he posed well! he also got lots of treats for being good. He sat well for what they needed and fell asleep a few times on set! which was sometimes perfect for the image of the photo, and sometimes we had to wake him up!
“As he is only five months we were a little worried about his reaction to trains, tubes and the business of London traveling in peak times but he was brilliant and even fell asleep a few times on trains.
“The best part of the day for Sid was all the fussies and treats he was getting! He learned a lot from the day and it did wonders for his training. Its certainly made me more confident in taking him places and being able to trust his behavior in different circumstances and environments.”
Sid has been involved in fashion shoots before, below you can see some more photos of Sid on a previous shoot for a local clothing brand. We love these shots and can’t wait to see the images from his latest Talent Management assignment with The Clementine!

Do you think your dog or pet has model or acting potential? Do they have any special skills and tricks, or do they just naturally know how to pose for the camera? We are always looking for new pet talent – you can apply on behalf of your pet on our website.
Alternatively, if you are a photographer with an assignment coming up and think Sid might be perfect for the job simply contact Talent Management’s booking team on 0844 334 0000 or fill in a model request form at www.talentmanagement.com/talent-hire.