Models Direct reviews writers just heard about Justin Timberlake’s raunchy new explicit video to latest release ‘Tunnel Vision’ and had to check it out…
Models Direct Reviews Banned Timberlake Video

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Models Direct reviews writers just heard about Justin Timberlake’s raunchy new explicit video to latest release Tunnel Vision and had to check it out…
The video hit the headlines when it was banned form Youtube for violating the site’s nudity rules. It features both songwriter and rapper Timbaland and Timberlake himself, but neither artist are what has caught the public’s attention – in addition to their appearances are those of three practically naked female models.
The models are shown dancing fully topless in flesh coloured thongs, and in parts of the video Timberlake’s face is actually superimposed on their bodies. Two things popped into our heads when we saw this video, and they’re not the ones you’re thinking of.
1) What does Timberlake’s wife Jessica Biel make of all this?
2) Doesn’t this video look spookily familiar somehow?
Well, firstly, we can only assume that since Beil would’ve known about this video long before we did – and, as there has been no press rumblings of discontent thus far – that she has let the suspiciously publicity stunt-type material fly right over her gorgeous, media savvy head.
And secondly, yes, it appears to have been more than slightly inspired by the recent Robin Thicke Blurred Lines video, which we (sorry Justin!) actually prefer here in the office. Some of us at Models Direct reviews have even admitted to a secret girl-crush on the ridiculously perfect brunette model featured dancing quirkily in cute shoes.
Overall, we found the latest JT offering a little ‘blah’ – and, though we’re usually fans, he has lost points with us for what could be deemed shameless copycat behaviour.
What do you think?