Moscow Fashion Week has begun and it’s just crying out for a quick Models Direct review!
Models Direct Review Of Moscow Fashion Week’s Weirdest

Moscow Fashion Week has begun and it’s just crying out for a quick
Models Direct review!
There have already been some bizarre fashions featured, including spiderman-style, skintight onesies for men, a modern take on the caveman and a fossil dress. But our stand out odd creations have to be those that came from British designer Fyodor Golan.
Golan’s designs included a blue and purple floral tunic over similar body art and topped circular lace facemask, and an ensemble that saw one model completely covered in gold from head to toe.
Would you wear looks as outlandish as this in the name of fashion?
Other note worthy pieces included gorgeous floral prints from Taya Dodina and contemporary, simple lines florm Pirosmani.