Earlier in the month we shared a Models Direct review of Colin Farrell’s underwear modelling past, this week similar Robert Pattinson images have surfaced!
Robert Pattison ‘Totally Embarrassed’ By Underwear Modelling

Earlier in the month we shared a Models Direct review of Colin Farrell’s rather embarrassing underwear modelling past, when the 37-year-old actor was taken back 20 years to a time that he would rather have forgotten while live on ‘The Tonight Show’.
Writers at MD had just started to put this unfortunate incident behind us, believing that we’d now seen the most unflattering images ever to come back from the past and bite a famous male heart throb in the proverbial backside. But this week we were proven wrong by pictures that have now surfaced of a young Robert Pattinson. He is shown modelling underwear – complete with shoes and a scarf – in a Chinese shoot that took place when he was just 14 years old (see below for more).
According to Hollywood Life a source close to Pattinson told them that: “He totally is embarrassed with those modeling shots and he thinks that they look horrifying. He was fine with it when he did them but looking back at them now, it’s both a little funny and a little scary to see. His friends are definitely making fun of him.”
He looks a little awkward on the shoot, but our main complaint would be to the stylist who made some strange choices on behalf of both Pattinson and Lucy Flower – the female British model also featured in the shoot. “I wasn’t shy, but Robert was!” She said. “He barely spoke at all.”
Maybe he wanted to let his socks do the talking?
Jokes aside, we do ultimately have to agree with Roxanne from Amp Radio, who made these comments: “Hey when you’re young and trying to be famous, you have to do what you have to do! Trust me, as embarrassing as these photos are, Robert is having the last laugh. At 26 he’s rich and beyond famous so who cares!!”