Talent Management reviews our gorgeous new baby model Alanah with the help of her proud mum Pauline!
Talent Management Reviews New Baby Model Alanah

Talent Management reviews new baby model Alanah below, with the help of her proud mum Pauline! This little girl has been prompting broodiness all over the TM offices since the panel received pictures of her. At just 4 months she is one of our youngest, and she is certainly one of our cutest! Pauline tells us more about her little cherub below.
Vital statistics
Age: 4 months
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown
How would you describe Alanah’s look?
Personally I think Alanah has the ‘butter wouldn’t melt’ look, with a mischievous/cheeky grin. Her complexion is like a porcelain doll. She is a very, smiley, quiet and all round content baby.
Where did your interest in modelling for Alanah come from?
I took Alanah for a photo-shoot and I was completely surprised by how beautiful the pictures were. Obviously as her mum I think she’s the most beautiful baby in the world, but I have constant comments from, strangers, doctors, even people who are “not into babies” about how beautiful, alert and forward she is. I thought she’s obviously got that little something special so I thought id give this a go.
What made you choose Talent Management?
Well, after myself and Alanah’s god mother searched extensively through various agencies, adverts etc. we both came to the conclusion to select Talent Management, Even though there was a very similar company at a cheaper price we still agreed that Talent Management was the right company to go with.
What are you hoping to gain from signing Alanah up with a model agency?
I’m hoping to kick start Alanah’s career. Even though she might choose a different lifestyle choice when she’s older she will have some savings and hopefully a good attitude to work and money management.
Name the top 3 things about Alanah that you think will make her a good model.
Alanah is very alert and forward for her age, she’s very content and great with different people, and she’s an absolute stunner.
Does she have any additional talents?
She sits up – I suppose this would be a talent as she is only 5months in the beginning of March.
What are you most looking forward to in becoming a model?
Everything, as this is a totally new experience for both Alanah and myself.
If you think your baby would enjoy modelling like Alanah’s mum does you can apply on their behalf at Talent Management’s dedicated modelling site Models Direct. You will also find a range of information on the site about modelling which helped her to make a decision on which agency would be right for her.
If you’re interested in booking a baby model for an assignment you have coming up, get in touch with Talent Management’s model bookers on: 0844 334 0000, or fill in a model request form at www.talentmanagement.com/talent-hire. Alanah’s unique booking number is ‘AQS 474475′.