Meet new Talent Management agency baby model Oscar. He’s sociable, full of smiles and is already showing ambitions as a singer. We’re delighted to have him registered with us and are looking forward to supporting him on his first assignment.
Vital statistics
Height: 65cm
Weight: 6.2 kgs
DOB: 14 Sep 2012
How would you describe Oscar’s look?
“Oriental mix, bright, black eyes, black hair, clear skin…BIG smile.”
Where did your interest in registering him for Talent Management modelling come from?
“Oscar loves looking into a camera and we receive a lot of passing compliments.”
What made you choose Talent Management?
“I chose Talent Management because you receive a personal co-ordinator and they replied promptly to our initial application.”
What are you hoping to gain from signing up with a model agency?
“Exciting experiences, meeting fun new people, learning about the industry & ‘souvenir’ for life if e gets picked for a job.”
Name the top 3 things about Oscar that you think will make him a good baby model.
“He can look straight into a camera with little prompting, he always has a BIG smile at the ready, he’s sociable and loves to be around people.”
Does he have any additional talents?
“Oscar can already sit up for a few seconds on his own, he tries to ‘sing a long’ when mummy sings and can already hold things in his hands.”
What are you most looking forward to in Oscar becoming a model?
“The whole experience of ‘lights, camera, action!'”
If you think your baby could make a good model like Oscar why not apply for them to become a model at Talent Management agency’s dedicated modelling arm Models Direct?
If you have an assignment coming up and you think Oscar is right for the job simply contact Talent Management’s booking team on 0844 334 0000, quoting his model reference number ‘AQS 471488’ or fill in a model request form with your specific requirements at www.talentmanagement.com/talent-hire.