Model Profile: Gorgeous New Talent Management Baby Model Kaleb

New Talent Management baby model Kaleb has been breaking hearts at the agency since pictures of him surfaced in the office…

Talent Management baby model Kaleb loves the camera!
Talent Management baby model Kaleb loves the camera!

New Talent Management baby model Kaleb has been breaking hearts at the agency since pictures of him surfaced in the office. At just 8 months he knows how to work the camera with confidence – we couldn’t resist his cheeky smile!

We asked his mum Mhairi to give us more information about our latest baby modelling addition and this is what she had to say:

Vital statistics

Age: 8 months
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue

How would you describe Kaleb’s look?

“Very Cute”

Where did the interest in modelling come from?

“Strangers always stop and comment on what a lovely looking baby Kaleb is, so I decided to do something about this.”

What made you choose Talent Management?

“After looking through a lot of other agencies I chose Talent Management as I liked the way they looked and liked how their website had all the information and answers I needed.”

What are you hoping to gain from signing up with a model agency?

“I am hoping to get Kaleb out there and noticed.”

Name the top 3 things about Kaleb that you think will make him a good model.

“Personality, bright Blue Eyes and a big Smile”

Does he have any additional talents; singing, dancing, acting, etc?

“Clapping his hands and baby dancing to music.”

What are you most looking forward to in Kaleb becoming a model?

“Working with lot’s of people as Kaleb loves attention and is at his best with an audience.”


If you think your baby would enjoy modelling like Kaleb you can apply on their behalf at Talent Management’s dedicated modelling site Models Direct. You can also find a range of information on the site about modelling, acting, dancing, singing, entertaining and music, which is designed to help you when choosing a model agency.

If you’re interested in booking a baby model for an assignment you have coming up, get in touch with Talent Management’s model bookers on: 0844 334 0000, or fill in a model request form at

Kaleb’s unique booking number is ‘AQS – 463110′!