While browsing Twitter today, the team at Talent Management came across a link to a very interesting e-petition on the UK Government’s website – ‘For models to be a healthier weight’.
E-petitions are an easy, personal way for you to influence government and Parliament in the UK, and this particular one was created by a lady called Freya Lamoon.
Assigned to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Fraya has stated: “I’m campaigning to try and change how stores market their clothes with the models that they use. In particular those that target the age group of 16-25 year olds.
“I want young people to relate more to the models that are used in their advertising campaigns and online.
“Eating disorders are becoming more and more common in this age group and I feel that using models with a range of clothing sizes would make young people feel more comfortable in their own skin and hopefully lower the rates of eating disorders in young people.”
As an all-inclusive model agency, striving for more diversity in the modelling industry, Freya is a lady after our own heart, so we were happy to read that if her petition gets 100,000 signatures or more it will be considered for debate in the House of Commons.
So far it has a little over 100 signatures, but doesn’t close until 13th November next year. If you agree with Fraya’s proposal then head over to her e-petition page here to show your support and feel free to share it with anyone you want – every e-petition page has links so you can easily publish it on social networking sites.