Welcome to the new autumn edition of IMAGE, the UK’s only dedicated modelling magazine.
Talent Management’s Autumn Edition Of IMAGE Magazine Out Now!

Welcome to the new autumn edition of IMAGE, the UK’s only dedicated modelling magazine. This season, Talent Management is all about body image – from features on the real shape of British women, right through to a debate on whether children should be given body image lessons in primary school, we’ve covered it all.
What’s more, we reveal some very interesting confessions from a professional retoucher, who reveals that ‘Frankenstein’ models are common place, models’ perfect skin is a sham and that the forest of lashes in mascara ads are the biggest lie of all!
Also this issue, catch up with all the latest modelling news, fashion and beauty trends and quotes from our very own models who talk about achieving their life long ambitions and the importance of the mentality ‘if you never try, you never know’.
Click on the cover above to read the new issue…enjoy!