It seems that modelling agency Models Direct were onto something when they asked the question – Are Pet Models Becoming The New Supermodels? back in April…
Britain’s Got Talent Winner Pudsey To Join Judging Panel On Top Dog Model!

It seems that modelling agency Models Direct were onto something when they asked Are Pet Models Becoming The New Supermodels? back in April.
Since this question was posed we have shared news of brand new pet modelling show Top Dog Model – due to hit our screens soon – and seen popular pooch Pudsey win first place on Britain’s Got Talent! His victory delighted dog lovers everywhere, including BGT judge Simon Cowell. You can see Pudsey in action below.
According to reports, the recent fascination with dog models doesn’t stop there either. Today we can reveal that Pudsey is actually set to become one of the judges of Top Dog Model, alongside proud owner Ashleigh. The new show will air on ITV2 and the pair have been signed up to appear on the panel together. The winner of TDM will gain a modelling contract and may well go on to find the kind of success that Pudsey has himself.
Pudsey and Ashleigh are said to have signed a £350,000 deal on his ‘autobidography’ and Pudsey is due to appear in Victoria Theatre’s Dick Wittington panto this Christmas, bringing his total earnings as a pet model/talent so far up to and beyond £1million!
If you’re wondering what this lucky pair have been up to since their win on Britain’s Got Talent, we can let you know that they have recently been treated to a VIP trip to New York, Las Vegas and LA by dog enthusiast Simon Cowell. And that’s not all! Pudsey is also due to perform at the Royal Variety Show in November.
When asked how she and Pudsey have dealt with their new found fame and income Ashleigh answered modestly: “I have got him a brand new poof and of course more luxury dog biscuits which he loves, he’s also had a nice new collar, but I am going to save the money to make sure I can take care of him for the rest of his life.”
Do you have a super-cute pet? If so we’d love to hear about them.