It seems that the Talent Management bloggers were onto something back in April when we asked Are Pet Models Becoming The New Supermodels?
Having already booked The Artist’s pet actor-turned-model Uggie for an ad, PETA has also booked Britain’s Got Talent winners Ashleigh and Pudsey to appear in a new anti-circus ad.
The crowd-pleasing dance duo, comprising teen performer Ashleigh Butler and her canine sidekick, Pudsey, recently took the UK airwaves by storm, and now they hope to cast a little gloom towards cruel circuses that still imprison wild animals.
The bleak ad shows a very different side to the usually bubbly duo, as Ashleigh portrays a sombre clown while Pudsey sits next to her dressed as a miserable lion.
Unlike Pudsey, animals in circuses are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them.
As undercover investigations have documented, animals are routinely mistreated behind the scenes. They are shackled and isolated, experience terrible isolation and are forced to perform degrading and confusing stunts.
Although Parliament instructed the Government to introduce a ban on wild animals in circuses last summer, the Government has continued to drag its heels and allow animals to suffer in circuses.
Ashleigh and Pudsey join all major animal welfare groups, veterinary bodies and the majority of the British public in calling for a ban on wild animals in circuses.
If the pair’s modelling efforts in the ad have convinced you to support the cause, then you can help by writing to Prime Minister David Cameron here and urging him to act upon the direction of Parliament and implement a full and permanent ban on the use of animals in circuses.