It looks as though fans of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan could learn something from Jodie Kidd’s approach to post-baby weight. According to reports they’re giving the former Miss World model a lot of criticism about extra pounds that she’s gained since becoming pregnant.
Former Miss World Model Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Criticised For Post-Baby Look

It looks as though fans of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan could learn something from Jodie Kidd’s approach to post-baby weight. According to reports, some have been giving the former Miss World model a lot of criticism about extra pounds that she’s gained since becoming pregnant.
Last week Models Direct were delighted to report on a healthier attitude towards weight loss after having a baby, in our report – Former Heroin Chic Model Jodie Kidd Is Proud Of Her Size 14 Figure. Unfortunately we can reveal that this attitude to body confidence is not something shared by all. In comments that were recently made about Bachchan – under a video clip of the 38-year-old Bollywood star – one fan stated: “She needs to learn from people like Victoria Beckham who are back to size zero weeks after their delivery.” Another insisted that it is her duty as a Bollywood actress to “look good and fit”.
Dozens of similar videos have popped up on the internet, with one – that was shockingly accompanied by the sound of elephants – gaining over 500,000 views. Despite this disappointing show of cruelty, Bachchan seems to share the attitude of UK modelling sensation Jodie Kidd and has not yet given in to the pressure that is being put upon her. She has been quoted as saying that she is in no hurry to lose the weight and just wants to “enjoy motherhood”.
Thankfully, some celebrities and less narrow-minded fans have also come to Bachchan’s defence. Showbusiness columnist Shobhaa Dé said in the New York Daily News: “Aishwarya is like a goddess. She is held up as the ideal of beauty and so there is an expectation on her to look perfect at all times. The role models being held up are Angelina Jolie and Victoria Beckham, but our body frames are different – we have wider hips and curves – so this whole business of looking desperately skinny two weeks after giving birth is a Western import.” A welcome comment in some regards, though we’re not sure that women in the West are any more likely to have naturally smaller frames.
For us Blaize summed things up nicely in her comment posted on a The Hollywood Gossip article about the story: “The world is just full of immature, narrow-minded idiots, isn’t it?
The worst part is that the comments on that video are coming from ‘adults’, who should have enough intelligence and class to not say those things. It’s no wonder women, teenage girls, and even preteens hate their bodies and are willing to hurt themselves to look ‘perfect’. Society’s obsession with being slender and toned is sick.”
We couldn’t agree more! Why shouldn’t Bachchan simply be allowed to focus on her 7 month old baby at this happy time of her life, instead of concerning herself with her dress-size in the way that many models do? And who knows what possible complications she may have faced that could have even prevented her from losing weight?
Speculation about the way that the beautiful star will look at this week’s Cannes appearance continue to mount, but we have to admit to hoping that she arrives looking curvy and healthy and proves that a few extra pounds haven’t changed the fact that she is one of the world’s most beautiful women.