We’re sure you’ll agree with us here at Talent Management when we say Costa Rican dirty blonde Jessica Perez makes a stunning swimsuit model. And we’re not the only ones who think so; she did after all just bag a coveted place in this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, not to mention being featured in swimwear and lingerie campaigns for Victoria’s Secret, American Eagle and ESPRIT.
Swimsuit Model Jessica Perez Talks Workouts & Beauty Routines

We’re sure you’ll agree with us here at Talent Management when we say Costa Rican dirty blonde Jessica Perez makes a stunning swimsuit model. And we’re not the only ones who think so; she did after all just bag a coveted place in this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, not to mention being featured in swimwear and lingerie campaigns for Victoria’s Secret, American Eagle and ESPRIT.
So just how does this beach babe maintain her model looks, we hear you wondering? Well, luckily for all our inquisitive readers out there, Perez has recently revealed her workout secrets to Modelinia.
“For about a month and a half I’ve been taking Muay Thai classes, with my trainer Joe Hernandez,” she told the model blog. “I really like boxing because it’s the only exercise I can do where I can only think about what I’m doing at the moment. When I’m running my mind is going crazy, and in yoga my mind is going crazy, but with boxing it’s just so intense when it’s one-on-one all I can think about is throwing whatever punch is being called out.”
The young model also revealed how she maintains a healthy beauty routine in between all those Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret shoots: “Every night I take off my makeup with Bioderm and a cotton swab. I like to exfoliate at least once a week because I have shiny skin. I just try not to wear a lot of makeup during the day. I wash my hair everyday because I have to and just use the inexpensive shampoo like Herbal Essence or Suave, whatever is at the drug store. I hate getting haircuts, so I usually avoid them! I don’t really touch my hair very much.”
So there you have it – the secret to Perez’s beauty is boxing and Bioderm, we’d never have guessed!