It seems that designers have been coming up with increasingly unusual ways to grab the media’s attention and place their products firmly into the limelight recently in what is becoming a bit of a theme of 2012…
Kirsten Korhani’s Piglet Pet Models Steal The Show At Toronto Fashion Week

It seems that designers have been coming up with increasingly unusual ways to grab the media’s attention and place their products firmly into the limelight recently in what’s becoming a bit of a theme of 2012. Just last month writers from leading UK modelling agency Models Direct reported on milliner Robyn Coles’ decision to send naked models down the catwalk at her London fashion week show – including a heavily pregnant Sophia Cahill.
This month, home designer Kirsten Korhani found an equally unique and unexpected method of showcasing her floor covering designs to potential buyers.
Last Monday Korhani presented a homeware turned ready-to-wear show at Toronto Fashion Week that reportedly captivated onlookers – with models walking in surprisingly wearable, restyled, exotic rugs and carpets. Bold, bright colours and clever designs, from dresses to jackets, wowed the audience and gained a standing ovation from fellow designer Jillian Harris. However, what ensured that the name Korhani would stay on everyone’s lips for the rest of the week wasn’t the product itself, but her decision to include micro-piglets in the show.
Using pet models on the catwalk is not a first for Korhani. Last year she featured fluffy white rabbits in her ‘Down The Rabbit Hole’ Alice in Wonderland themed show. Lingerie brand Etam has also included both a lamb and some brightly coloured poodles as living, breathing accessories for their models before now. However, micro-piglets are a first on us.
There’s no doubt that these animal additions are attention-grabbing and super-cute, but not everyone agrees that the catwalk is a good place for them to be. The response to Korhani’s show has been a combination of delight and concern, though there has been no reported comment from PETA since the event.
One Mail Online reader commented on the show: “This is just exploitation. Poor things, I bet they were terrified with all The lights, camera flashes, noise. Not to mention all the hullabaloo that goes on behind the catwalk. Not really the place for animals. The clothes should speak for themselves.” Another simply declared: “Micro pigs are the cutest things ever!”
Whatever your opinion of this practice it seems that pet models may be the new baby models in terms of how to attract attention to your brand. Pet actors have also been receiving media coverage this year, with Jack Russell pet actor Uggie from The Artist recently picking up a Golden Collar Award for ‘Best Dog in a Theatrical Film’.