We represent teen models and young people with various talents everyday, many of whom – we’re happy to say – are bright, respectful and enthusiastic ‘doers’. These are the young people who engage with prospective employers, use their initiative and show willing. They’re also the ones who are more likely to ‘go places’ and ultimately lead full and rewarding lives
Unemployed Youths – Talk To Me!!

Models Direct has a lot of contact with the next generation. We represent teen models and young people with various talents everyday, many of whom – we’re happy to say – are bright, respectful and enthusiastic ‘doers’. These are the young people who engage with prospective employers, use their initiative and show willing. They’re also the ones who are more likely to ‘go places’ and ultimately lead full and rewarding lives. We find that teens and young people with this type of personality are consistently selected for assignments in the place of the less forthcoming and we believe that they’re more likely to find success and happiness, not only within the entertainment or modelling industry but also in their lives generally.
However, there is a less appealing kind of youth out there who is letting the side down and themselves in the process. This is the young person who appears completely unable to communicate with anyone outside of a handful of friends; who will look resentfully at you from below pierced eyebrows; who has a hairstyle that can only be described as the latest expression of teenage rebellion; and who generally appears to have forgotten any social skills that they were ever taught. For this reason amongst others they will often fail to excel.
How is it that some young people can appear to be such ego maniacs – disproportionately concerned with their image or the latest trends – while remaining so backwards in coming forwards? The types who seem to have an opinion on everything yet nothing worthwhile to say; who show contempt but no passion; are often aggressive but rarely assertive; and treat those that they should turn to for inspiration, support and guidance as either invisible, crazy or the enemy!
With current levels of youth unemployment so high this is surely a situation of concern. Amongst other things maybe we should give our young people practical training in school to help them in real-life situations. Dare we suggest that an hour a week spent focusing on gaining real-life skills could be more valuable to our children than another hour of history or religious studies? At the moment such training isn’t really available, so it’s up to the teens out there to work things out for themselves.
This is a plea from Models Direct to all the talented young people and potential teen models out there who want to be the best that they can be. If you would like to make a positive impression, enjoy true self respect or gain valuable insights that could help you to move forward in your life and become an adult with substance then please consider these Models Direct tips when trying to attain any form of employment or work experience:
Pursue knowledge.
Go for it despite your fears.
Believe in yourself and stay positive.
Snap out of that gaming induced coma.
Make eye contact with potential employers.
Engage with your elders – you might learn something.
Be prepared to work for a low wage just to get training, experience is priceless and will pay off.
Overuse the word “like”.
Communicate lik dis oR ThIs!
Spend more time on facebook than you do on studies.
Dress for a funeral – or a party – everyday, regardless of the occasion.
Complain about things that you have no intention of attempting to change.
Have a tattoo or piercing in a visible area that just won’t look cool for most of the rest of your life.