Oh dear, what is Katie Price up to now? Over the last few weeks the temptation to make further comment on her latest offering to reality TV ‘Signed by Katie Price’ has been strong.
Former Model Katie Price – Autobiography Number What??

Oh dear, what is Katie Price up to now?
Over the last few weeks the temptation to make further comment on her latest offering to reality TV, ‘Signed by Katie Price’, has been strong. But despite many opportunities to poke fun at the show – which has so far featured a continuous series of rip-offs of previously used reality TV formats – writers at modelling employment agency Models Direct have not said a word about it since mid October. Admittedly this is partly due to the fact that, for us, ‘Signed by Katie Price’ made such uncomfortable viewing we could not bare to watch any more…
The show is now half way through and so far the ‘Signed by Katie Price’ models have taken part in X-Factor, Boot Camp, Britain’s Next Top Model and Apprentice style challenges in their bids to reach ‘the top’ – with, of course, the help of Katie’s much talked about ‘expertise’. But it seems that the glamour model turned author, TV personality and business woman may have slipped up in a ‘This Morning’ interview this week by accidentally revealing the winner to be a ‘him’. Oops! Now she’s spoiled the surprise!
Even more shocking may be the fact that Katie Price was appearing on This Morning to promote her new book ‘Santa Baby’ and reveal plans for a FIFTH autobiography! Her last was published as long as 18 months ago. Really, what an interesting life she must lead. She told show hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby:
“It’s different to my first autobiography when I was younger I put like detailed things in, but I’ve grown up now so I do it in a more adult way. It’s not a kiss and tell, I don’t aim to do that, it’s literally my life and the emotions I’ve been through, all the good things, all the bad things.” One of the bad things that readers can expect to find out more about in autobiography number five may well be the difficult job of letting models go on ‘Signed by Katie Price’:
“I actually got really emotional, especially in the final, there’s me crying on stage for about 10 minutes because I genuinely didn’t know who to pick as the winner, because you do get attached to them. They were all great, but obviously they were all so different, but each week someone has to go and it is hard.”
There’s no doubt that despite, and indeed due to, some negative attributes Katie Price is a grumpy journalist’s dream. But is the media unfair when they give her a hard time or is it justified? What do you think of Britain’s most talked about glamour girl? We would love to know.