Amongst the usual aspirations that teenagers have – becoming a pop star, TV presenter or actor – modelling is normally relatively high up on the list. Whilst modelling at an editorial level is extremely competitive and very difficult to break into, there are still some terrific teen modelling opportunities out there – if you know where to look.
An Insight Into Teenage Modelling

Amongst the usual aspirations that teenagers have – becoming a pop star, TV presenter or actor – modelling is normally relatively high up on the list. Whilst modelling at an editorial level is extremely competitive and very difficult to break into, there are still some terrific teen modelling opportunities out there – if you know where to look.
Males and Females
Modelling is normally thought of as a largely female-dominated industry, but this is really just a false perception. In reality, the industry is equally as interested in males; this goes for males who look like every-day regular guys. You don’t have to wear lipstick, fur hats or tights when working for clients who are targeting the buying public! This goes for TV commercials, billboards, catalogues and a whole host of other promotional materials.
Self-doubt is of course all part of growing up, and undeniably all teenagers experience this feeling at some point. Combating this head-on seems to be the best way to conquer any confidence issues, which is where modelling can help. Shoots and auditions will put you in touch with a wide selection of photographers and fellow models and before you know it there will be a brand new social circle wanting to get to know you. Check out Lindsey Wixson’s story, who said modelling has helped “build confidence”.
Financial Rewards
Models Direct is interested in teenage models between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, ages at which it is difficult to find paid work. Legally, you are not able to work in a full-time position until aged 16 which can mean finding money (without depending on parents!) is exceptionally difficult. Whilst pay rates vary depending on the nature of the job, the client and so on, you could receive anything from £120 to several hundred for a day’s work!
Find a quality agency, be persistent and keep yourself healthy! Remember that modelling of any kind is not necessarily a walk in the park, but with some careful consideration and an appropriate agency on board, the above benefits could be well within your reach.