While many celebrity mums seem able and determined to spring back to their pre-pregnancy size within weeks of giving birth, Talent Management is refreshed to see that well-known model Jodie Kidd isn’t one of them…
Former Heroin Chic Model Jodie Kidd Is Proud Of Her Size 14 Figure

While many celebrity mums seem able and determined to spring back to their pre-pregnancy size within weeks of giving birth, Talent Management is refreshed to see that well-known model Jodie Kidd isn’t one of them. The 33-year-old mum of one clearly has a far more laid-back attitude about the extra pounds she gained while expecting than a lot of her peers, and ladies in the TM offices can’t help loving her just a little bit more for it.
Just a few years ago in the nineties, Jodie was associated with the bizarre ‘Heroin chic’ trend – so named due to its association with emaciated-looking, pale skinned models sporting dark circles under their eyes. The 33-year-old’s current, far softer and healthier look couldn’t be more different from this distant and not so treasured memory and her confidence shines through.
Jodie was clearly feeling no pressure to rush into losing weight when she spoke to the Mirror on Sunday about the changes that her body has gone through since becoming pregnant with 8-month-old son Indio: “I don’t even weigh myself and I’ve always been quite relaxed about it. All I know is that I’m a good two sizes bigger than I was before. I’m sure I’ll get back to my old size at some stage.
“I do look at my old Size 10 jeans. But I was totally unmodel-like when I was pregnant. I was embracing my changing body and my bump. My boyfriend was a bit like, ‘What’s going on?’ But I felt good.”
In fact she seemed as surprised as we are about the way that some celebrities mums look so soon after having a baby: “When I saw Amanda Holden on Britain’s Got Talent just after she’d had her baby I was gobsmacked. I don’t know how she did that, it was amazing… she’s obviously got it in her genes.
“Everyone’s different. I would never aspire to try to do that because it’s just not me. That’s not how my body would react. Amanda looked like she’d never been pregnant, but that’s her make-up.”
Despite what appears to be a great relationship with Argentine partner Andrea Vianini Jodie says that she’s in no hurry to marry but has expressed a desire for more children in the future: “I’d love some more,” she said. “I’m from a family of five. That might be a little excessive but I’d love three.”
Leading talent and modelling agency Talent Management wish Jodie and her family continued happiness and look forward to news of baby number two!